Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why there should be a batman trilogy

First off, I loved both Batman begins and The Dark Knight. But I would love to see a third movie made. What is so great about a trilogy you ask? Movies today for the most part follow a 3-act structure (ill spare you the details). The three acts in a sense are the Rising action, falling action and climax. This is the formula that has made up so many good films over the years. But who says this is confined to just one movie? I say a trilogy can be a perfect example of the three act structure. Take the original star wars for example;  in A New Hope, we meet our character and learn of his strengths, weaknesses, and allies. In empire strikes back we see that character lose everything. In Return of the Jedi, our hero is triumphant and the conflict is resolved.  This is why I want another Batman, in Batman begins, we met Bruce Wayne and his buddies. In The Dark Knight, we saw him lose almost everything. So lets see Bats kick some major bad guy booty in the third film and win over gotham!

This of course is only if Nolan really wants to do a third film, I wholeheartedly understand if he wants to hang up the old cape and cowl after these two gems. And trilogys dont always turn out great even if the same people are involved. (I.E. Spiderman 3)

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